Welcome to Our Website! Delivering a Higher Standard for Drive Away & Tow Away

benefits of safeway

Drive Away

Tow Away Multi-haul


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Driver services

We want to hook our drivers up with the best to make their jobs easier. Our services include:

View pay stubs and settlement summaries
Easily track annual earnings and miles
Quick access to all required documents and safety review
A complete list of current expirations and dates

And many more additional features for drivers! Have you ever been so spoiled?

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DEALER services

We want to hook our dealers up with the best to make their jobs easier. Our services include:

Factory Pick-up and Storage
Finished Goods Management
Dashboard with Real-time Inventory Management
Cogent Inspect Service
Cogent Beacon Monitoring
Cogent Just Drive Application

And many more additional features for dealers! Have you ever been so spoiled?